It is the responsibility of every employer across Cincinnati, Ohio, and the United States to protect their employees from injury. This can be any type of injury but is also extended to ,traumatic brain injury (TBI). Depending on the severity of your TBI, you could require treatment for the rest of your life. This is why it is important to retain the services of an attorney that specializes in cases related to traumatic brain injuries.
Tens of thousands of TBI-type injuries happen in the workplace every single year and most of them could have been prevented. As an employee, if you suffer a TBI then your employer may be at fault and should be held accountable.
How Do I Know If I’ve Suffered From a Traumatic Brain Injury?
There are two main types of TBIs:
- Blunt Force Trauma. This is when the head comes into contact with either an object or the ground. However, it can also include a violent forward and backward motion of the head that can cause the brain to shake and come into contact with the inside of your skull.
- Penetrating Head Injury. While less frequent, these types of head injuries happen when an object actually pierces the skull. It can also happen if the object or ground causes your skull to fracture, thereby sending splinters into your brain. This can happen when objects fall or machinery comes into contact with your head.
What Jobs Have Higher Risks of TBI?
Quite frankly, any job includes the risk of ,traumatic brain injury. Cluttered pathways, spills, and/or inadequate railings and lighting can all contribute significantly to a potential TBI. However, there are obvious industries that have a higher risk. Most common are the construction and manufacturing industries. Heavy objects falling, or machinery malfunctioning can commonly cause these types of injuries. Again, it is the responsibility of the employer to keep all work areas safe for the employees who work there.
Another interesting cause of traumatic brain injury could be workplace violence. Maintaining adequate security on the premises can help reduce this risk.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, consulting a lawyer who specializes in traumatic brain injury can help you identify what benefits are available to you and if you have a case that qualifies for a third-party personal injury lawsuit against any parties that may be accountable.
They can also help you navigate the world of worker’s compensation that Ohio Law requires your employer to carry. The Law Offices of Blake Maislin, LLC have many years of experience in helping Ohio Workers throughout this process. Complete the form on the right or call us directly at 444-4444!