Working with a Cincinnati car accident attorney after your accident is not as complicated as you think. In fact, a quality attorney can help you earn the compensation you need to recover from your accident and injury. A common barrier to searching for legal help is what you hear from friends, family members, or the internet about what you should do after a car accident. Listed below are 4 myths related to car accidents and legal help straight from a quality car accident attorney.

You Can Only Sue if You Have an Immediate Injury
While some car accidents result in immediate injury or even death, some injuries are not so quick to come to the surface. In fact, many accident-related injuries take days, weeks, or even months to come to fruition. For example, you may have not broken a bone or needed immediate medical attention, but you may still have sustained serious injury. This could include injuries like chronic pain in your back or limbs that later prevent you from living your life as normal. Car accident attorneys want you to know that you can still sue even if you did not receive immediate and obvious injuries at the scene of the crash.
Your Insurance Company Will Take Care of You
Many assume that their insurance company has their best interest in mind. While insurance is valuable in helping you pay for repairs after an accident, your insurance company is still trying to save as much money as possible. A common myth is that you have to give a statement to your insurance company. This can actually do more harm than good in many situations. Once you are locked into a story with your insurance company, it can be hard to fight for compensation later on. It is best to first consult with a Cincinnati car accident attorney to determine your best course of action.
You Can’t Afford a Car Accident Attorney
This is one of the most common myths surrounding Cincinnati car accident attorneys. Many people believe they can not afford an attorney for their case because they are notoriously too expensive. While this is true for some types of law, car accident attorneys are much more accessible. With compensation for damages sustained being the end goal, your car accident attorney should wait to collect on any fees until your case has been won. At this time, your Cincinnati car accident attorney will collect on the previously agreed percentage of your winnings.
It is Too Late to Sue
Even if it has been months since your accident took place, that does not necessarily mean it is too late to sue. In most states, there is a statute of limitations on the amount of time you have to file a claim. For example, in Kentucky and in Ohio, the statute of limitations on car accident cases is two years. This means you have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim with a car accident attorney.
To learn more about an attorney that can help you, click here.