Now that winter has settled in, those of us who live in the hills of the Greater Cincinnati Tristate area wake up many mornings asking the same question: How are the roads? As a ,Cincinnati car accident lawyer with decades of experience, I would tell you to always err on the side of safety. If you don’t absolutely have to attempt driving on the ice, then don’t. However, most of us don’t have the option of choosing whether or not to show up to work so we start the cars, wait for the windshield to defrost, and head out into the unknown dangers ahead. Here are 5 tips for staying safe on icy roads.
5 Tips for Staying Safe
Did you know that 70% of our nation’s roadways are in snowy regions and 17% of all accidents happen in the winter? In fact, every year there are approximately 156,000 accidents due to icy roads killing more than 100,000 people. Additionally, these dangerous roads are the cause of injury to approximately 120,000 more victims. In Cincinnati, car accident lawyers know the dangers of our beautiful hills so follow these steps to increase your chance of staying safe.
1. Winterize your Vehicle.
When was the last time you had your fluid levels checked? Even if your car is relatively new, you will want to make sure everything is running as it’s meant to be and your washer fluid is filled to the rim. It’s essential if you get caught in a winter storm to be able to see clearly out of your front and back windows.
2. Wear your seatbelt.
An injury is bad enough but ,Cincinnati car accident lawyers have seen much worse. 75% of car accidents happen at speeds of less than 40 miles per hour. However, they can and have happened at speeds under 12 miles per hour. It doesn’t matter if you’re simply driving a few streets over – a seatbelt is essential to your safety.
3. Pay Attention to the Weather
During the winter months, it is essential that you pay close to the weather. You should know when freezing rain and/or snow is expected to come and make plans accordingly. Keep a set of warm clothes, extra blankets, water, and individually wrapped snacks in the chance you are caught unaware. You should also try to keep your gas tank as full as possible in case of long waits.
4. Use Your Brakes Gently
If you feel your vehicle begin to slide, gently pump your brakes instead of slamming them on. Anti-lock brakes do not work on the ice. If your wheels lock up you will be unable to steer them with the steering wheel. Therefore, gently pump up and down on the brakes until you are able to bring your vehicle to a stop safely.
5. Call a Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer in the Case of an Accident.
Even if you are unsure that you need an attorney, it is best to consult an expert should you be involved in an accident. Your insurance is most likely going to look for the quickest, cheapest outcome instead of fighting for your best interest. Knowing your options, especially in the case of an injury, is important in these moments.
If you or someone you know is in need of legal consultation from a Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer, you can complete the form on the right or call 513-444-4444 directly.